Our Story


Welcome to BUCKEYE BARN TN, where all our animals are free ranged on pasture with lots of sunshine and love! 

Growing up, I’ve always had all types of indoor animals but dreamed of having a farm filled with chickens and livestock.  Nothing beats being outdoors in the fresh air, as nature intended.  It’s good for one's health and soul - both human and animal. 

Here in Knoxville, TN my family purchased a 10 acre farm and we are working tirelessly to restore this neglected land to its former purpose of raising happy, healthy 2 legged and 4 legged species!  We believe that good soil has to be a basis for growing food and raising animals.

While we do have a tractor to help us with many chores and projects on the farm, all the animals are fed, watered and moved to new grass each day by hand.  We employ many of the old school techniques without a lot of fancy equipment. 

Which means the chicken or carton of eggs you purchase for your family dinner has been handled with respect and care since day one.  All our animals are treated like family and the ones that are meant for food are loved and appreciated for their service, as well. It takes many man-hours to raise a healthy, productive animal and every animal should be able to live it’s life as it was intended - not in a warehouse with artificial lighting and no access to outdoors. A chicken should be able to live like a chicken.

We also like to teach our children and grandchildren that there’s more to life than watching TV and playing video games. We encourage them to go outside and get dirty! Go play in the creek! We are constantly learning new skills that were never passed down from previous generations, and we want to share the joy of growing our own food, raising our own chickens for meat and eggs, farming, haying and doing many things the old-fashioned way, even when it’s harder.